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NCPA May music festival opens (CNTV)

Release time:2010-05-21Views:


    It's the May Music Festival, and it got off to a passionate start over the weekend as China's leading percussionist, Li Biao, and the Berlin Philharmonic Percussion Group beat out a night of heart-pounding rhythm.
    The rhythmic night opened with a strong Hawaiian flavor. "Ku-Ka-Ilimoku" is Christopher Rouse's percussion work inspired by Ku, the most fundamental God in Hawaiian mythology...like Zeus to the Greeks.
    At the end of the first half, a special guest was invited onto the stage to make the sound of a flying helicopter. The drum used is one meter in diameter, triple that of a common drum.
    Li Biao is well known for recreating sounds of nature and life in his performances and never stops refreshing the listeners' acoustic experience. A new breakthrough was made on this night as Li accompanied with Mona & Rica Bard, the most outstanding contemporary European double piano Eredar twins.
    Audience Memeber, said, "The cooperation between Chinese and German musicians was perfect! It's the best percussion performance I've ever heard. "
    The percussion night just opened a feast of music at the NCPA. 14 top ensembles from around the world will open your ears and imagination with dozens of concerts through the end of this month.  (CNTV)